Left wing? Right wing? Sound Management is neither one nor the other!

Written by Bernard Brault on 03/11/2010

I’ll start this blog by asking you why the Sound Management concept and principles should be more of the left wing or of the right wing, and even neutral. Be aware? Do you understand what I’m implying? There are certain political views implying that the right wing may be better in public management than a social-democracy more of the left wing.

The Sound Management concept is apolitical and any attempt of distortion may not be accepted!

As for the State administrations, mediated subjects are generally limited to politics, law, economy, and finance. Governance and management are often considered as incidental activities to other subjects, which results in the risk of a demagogic slip-up, that is, associate sound governance to political orientations.

Nevertheless, management and its framework which make it sound are completely independent from the object of its mission. In other words, «what is being managed» may be a political choice, but «the means used» in order to manage are part of the management. The management framework that renders the managerial act as being sound is considered to be a separate concept from the politics.

Therefore, the Sound Management concept is apolitical. What may be the link between the political vision and the obligation of a Sound Management? Why a right wing proxy may be more inclined towards a Sound Management than a social democrat proxy? I ask you please help me understand why Transparency would characterize more the left-wing school of thought and Continuity the monopoly over the right-wing politics. Why is Balance neutral or why don’t the social democrat representatives need the Abnegation principle?

Why the State’s interventionism (Welfare State) must always be labelled as bad management? How could the right-wing vision ensure a better allocation of the construction contracts? Will they be able to avoid the conflicts of interest? Will there be less financial interests?

Of course, eradicate the State’s intervention in the social business would result in a cut (and the word is weak) of the bureaucracy. And do you think that the private system replacing the public managerial positions will do it automatically with more Efficiency, Transparency, Abnegation and Continuity?

You’ll say, “Why not?” And I agree with you, but it is possible only if there is a Sound Management obligation. It doesn’t matter which system will take charge of these services, the governance and the bureaucracy, private or public, are at risk without any obligation of ensuring the Sound Management of the resources entrusted.

Trust without a framework…Vincent Lacroix, does this say anything to you? Ok, you must have already forgotten then!


by Bernard Brault at 11/12/2010

Aucun commentaire ?

by C Tremblay at 11/12/2010

En effet il est domage que cet article ne parvienne pas aux politiciens, même aux médias ?

by Olivier Crouslé at 11/25/2010

Cela revient-il à dire que la Saine Gestion est de l’ordre de la Méta Gestion?
Ce serait même le propre de l’Audit de Saine Gestion qui revient à vérifier si c’est géré dans les règles de l’Art (forme) et non à juger des choix et risques pris en connaissance de cause (fond).
Un article de ce jour du journal Les affaires évoquent une décision d’un Hotel haut de gamme de conclure un partenariat gagnant – gagnant avec des artistes pour décorer gratuitement ses suites de luxe en échange de l’attribution de leur nom à la suite et de la possibilité de vendre et remplacer les oeuvres qu’ils y exposent.
Sur la forme, cela semble parfaitement conforme à une saine gestion : Efficience, Transparence, Continuité, etc…
Sur le fond, si les goûts artistiques du directeur qui choisi les artistes feraient fuir la clientèle de luxe ciblée, alors la Saine Gestion recommanderait d’appliquer le principe d’Équilibre : pas le même style dans toutes les chambres, peut-être pas toutes les chambres non plus … et pas de cadeaux excessifs en nature de toute sorte de la part des artistes pour se faire choisir (Abnégation) sinon le bruit va courir et le vivier d’artistes va se tarir (Continuité)

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