Beware of the allergy risks!

Written by Bernard Brault on 28/03/2011



Trade name

Sound Management, Matrix of sound management ™ , Sound Management framework(tm), Autodiagnostic de Saine Gestion ™, Sound management Audit®.


Sound Management is a managerial anti-collapse used to treat chronic bad management, embezzlement, corruption, some cases of bureaucratic «wolfness» and other infections usually resistant to legal treatment.

If used as prophylactic treatment, Sound Management could help avoiding symptoms such as the administrators’ free rein when faced to the organizational psychopathic deviations.

The Sound Management is indicated for the Homo Economicus such as governors, ministers, administrators of private or public organizations, mayors, and other public administrators, managers, coordinators, bosses, and bigwigs.


The treatment is established based on a training in and implementation of a Sound Management framework, usually preceded if possible by a Self-diagnostic. In case of a severe case of bureaucratic influenza within the Québec Health network, a double dosage may be indicated.

In more severe cases of infection, it is recommended to proceed with an external audit conducted by a professional who could determine the risks for the mission of the organization and the stakes due to the managerial escapades.

The Sound Management is to be taken by persons fasting on conflicts of interest and the so-called economic paradigm. (It is suggested to start the treatment at least a month before the media crisis).

When the Sound Management treatment is used against embezzlement and severe corruption, the onset of action of the active ingredients is rather long and, often, the treatment has to be administered for months, even years.


Nurses, doctors, and other professionals that are part of the Québec Health network working directly with patients shouldn’t take this anti-collapse. It could result in an overdose of common sense and commitment especially for those already weakened by a generalized and chronic poor management.


Certain persons had important reactions (some quite severe) after or even before being administered the Sound Management. For these persons, the Sound Management could result in memory loss, nausea, tremors, deep depressions, financial loss of illegal incomes, loss of brown envelopes, outbursts, and verbal violence.

BEWARE: Sound Management results in allergy crises for the Homo Horribilis such as: megalomaniacs, narcissistic persons, organizational psychopaths, villains, freebooters, crooks, hoodlums, cheaters, perverts, cockroaches, and other gloomy characters roaming around within our public and private companies or who take advantage from not stressing too much.


by Landry at 04/01/2011

C’est la chose la plus rigolotte que j’ai lu récemment sur le sujet…..que de vérités sous ce traitement humoristique.
Il faut faire circuler cette allergie.

Le gouvernement Charest vient justement d’imposer aux 8,000 élus municipaux ce traitement…mais il y aura des cas de C difficile là dedans…..

Vite il faut mettre en marche la fabrique du médicament!!


by Bernard Brault at 04/01/2011

Il y a plein de stock monsieur Landry. Faites circuler à tous vos contacts courriels, l’humour aidera peut-être un peu ! Salutations.

by Leduc at 04/04/2011

Intéressant Pierre,

Mais la C difficile résiste a bien des medicaments…. les municipalités y résisteront aussi je crois….

P Leduc

by Bernard Brault at 04/04/2011

Monsieur Leduc,

On ne pourra pas tous les sauver il est vrai, tentons de sauver ceux qui en valent la peine !

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